Humans are highly social beings. You strive when you make positive connections with yourself and with others. Add this to daily exercise and you’re on your way to a more satisfying life. What’s even more impactful to your mental health is the food that you consume. Eva SelhuArb MD, contributing editor from Harvard Health Blog, said, “Like an expensive car, your brain functions best when it gets only premium fuel. Eating high-quality foods that contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants nourishes the brain and protects it from oxidative stress — the “waste” (free radicals) produced when the body uses oxygen, which can damage cells.”


Your mental and emotional health depends on how well your brain is functioning. To better fuel your brain, you must supply yourself with ‘better fuel’. Better fuel comes in the form of better nutrients. For example, while foods high in refined sugars are more taxing on the brain, foods rich in nutrients help your brain to function more efficiently. According to an article on Medscape by Pauline Anderson, those nutrients and recommended daily allowances are:

  • Vitamin E: 86%
  • Folate: 75%
  • Calcium: 73%
  • Magnesium: 68%
  • Zinc: 42%
  • Vitamin B6: 35%
  • Iron: 34%
  • Vitamin B12: 30%


The list below includes a few foods that are packed with some of these nutrients:


Strawberries, Oranges, and Mango

When your body becomes stressed, without intervention, you will begin to take on symptoms of sickness, or even depression. The antioxidants in these fruits will help free radicals from forming and will help your body reduce stress levels. Not only do these fruits carry Vitamin C, a vitamin that helps you be immune to sickness, but it can also encourage better moods. Slice up these fruits in advance and put them in the fridge. That way, the next time you reach for a snack, these mood boosting ninjas will be convenient for you to nibble on.



This fish is flushed with omega-3 fatty acids, a powerful essential nutrient. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism stated that regular consumption of this nutrient can reduce negative moods in adults – moods that may lead to aggression, impulsivity, and depression. Salmon also helps with reducing memory loss and improving quality of sleep.


Dark Chocolate

This yummy treat contains flavanols. Flavanols are plant based and has qualities that are anti-inflammatory and carry antioxidants – a form of protection for your body to fight free radicals. Among some of the benefits is increased positive moods, such as calmness and relaxation. Include about 30g to 60g/day (roughly 1 to 2 ounces) of dark chocolate in your daily diet to see benefits of this magical treat!



Mussels are packed with nutrients that work wonders for your brain. Some of these nutrients are: Iron, Zinc, & Vitamin B12. Iron deficiency can lead to brain fog and fatigue, increasing zinc has been shown to be an effective antidepressant, and vitamin b12 works to protect your brain cells, which helps your brain functioning while you age. You also benefit from the low in calories mussels as well!


Nutritious food, exercise, and good relationships are must needs in your tool box for a positive life experience. If this recipe still doesn’t cure your blues, it may be time to talk to your doctor, or seek mental health help.