Deficiencies in nutrients can have a major impact on anything from your energy level to your brain function. The following is a list of vitamins and minerals that a large number of the population is deficient in.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Our bodies use vitamin D to help us absorb calcium. It helps promote healthy, strong bones. Symptoms from lack of vitamin D include muscle weakness and bone loss. Getting out into the sun is the easiest way to get a boost of this vitamin. There are some foods that contain small amounts of it, but not enough to make that your only source. Fatty fishes and egg yolks can provide you with some but if you don’t eat a lot of these foods, talk with your healthcare provider about a supplement.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is used to form red blood cells. If you are deficient, you will likely feel tired and weak as a result. Most commonly, vegetarians, vegans and the elderly are deficient. B12 is found in many animal products and the elderly are often lacking this vitamin because absorption decreases as you age. If you’d like to ensure you’re getting sufficient B12 from your diet, clams and oysters are an excellent source. Additionally, liver, whole eggs and whole milk will provide you with a boost as well.


Vitamin A

Vitamin A

This vitamin helps support healthy skin, teeth and bones. There are so many unappealing symptoms of vitamin A deficiency. Dry skin, eye problems, acne, and throat and chest infections are just a few. Although more common in developing countries, this is still one of the vitamins our population as a whole is not getting enough of. To avoid the side effects of deficiency, incorporate sweet potatoes, carrots and dark leafy vegetables to your diet on a regular basis.


Magnesium is a mineral our bodies need for healthy bones and teeth. Deficiency can present itself in the form of osteoporosis, muscle cramps, fatigue, and muscle weakness. According to an article posted on, a study was done in 2005-2006 where it was discovered that almost half of the U.S population was deficient in this mineral. (You can read the article in its entirety here.) To fix this, make sure your diet is full of whole grains, dark chocolate, nuts, and dark, leafy vegetables.




Also known as anemia, iron deficiency causes paleness, exhaustion, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath. Iron is so important to your body! Make sure you’re getting enough by eating iron rich foods such as chicken, beans and dark, leafy vegetables. Additionally, eating or drinking anything with Vitamin C in it will help your body absorb iron.


It’s important to eat a well- rounded diet, and listen to your body’s needs. If you are experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms, be sure to consult with a medical professional to ask any questions or discuss concerns. Your body is working around the clock to take care of you. Make sure you return the favor.


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