Weightlifting has numerous health benefits. It also has a stigma. Many people automatically think of bodybuilding when the word ‘weightlifting’ is mentioned. There is a common misconception that it is only done to bulk up in an extreme way. In reality, it is one of the most beneficial forms of exercise a person can do. Here’s why:

Compound Movements

Elizabeth Quinn of verywellfit.com states the following: “Compound exercises are multi-joint movements that work several muscles or muscle groups at one time”. Deadlifts, squats, bench press, and shoulder press are just a few examples of compound exercises. These are movements that are going to give you the most ‘bang for your buck’. For example, consider a bench press. During this one exercise, you are working your chest, triceps, pecs, deltoids, traps and your back. It is an incredibly effective way to exercise. You will burn more calories and work more muscles this way.

Real World Applications

Mastering compound movements can help in real world scenarios. For example, squats can be likened to sitting or standing up from a seated position (think sitting in a chair). Deadlifts can be likened to picking up a heavy box from your floor. These are daily activities that become more challenging with age. Practicing proper form will go a long way towards steering clear of injuries.

Health Benefits

The fact is, the more you strengthen your muscles, the more they will help reinforce your joints. If you’re still on the fence, keep in mind: physical therapists do this for a living! They focus on both isolated and compound movements to help you strengthen the muscles surrounding your aching joints. Instead of waiting around for your body to start falling apart, be proactive and pick up some weights! Reinforcing your joints now, will ideally help reduce the aches and pains that will occur as you age. There are many other health benefits to weightlifting, including reducing the risk of diabetes as well as improving heart health.

Build Strength

Our bodies are incredibly resilient! One of the benefits lifting weights has to offer is the increase of muscle mass. As we build muscle mass, we are also building bone density. Having dense bones will help reduce the chance of injury as you get older and decrease the progression of Osteoporosis. Strengthening your muscles can also help you decrease back pain and improve your posture.

Mental Benefits

Aside from the numerous physical benefits, weightlifting is beneficial for mental health as well. Exercise in general aids in the release of endorphins into the brain. These endorphins trigger feelings of happiness. As you grow stronger and leaner, body positivity is also something you can look forward to. Weightlifting coupled with a healthy diet can yield amazing results to both mind and body.


Erase any thoughts you may have had that weights aren’t for you. Weightlifting is for everyone. Give your body the best workout possible. There are extraordinary benefits to incorporating compound movements into your workout routine.