Your twenties are the beginning of your adult life.  You’ve worked so hard to get through those awkward teen growing years and stumbled into the most adventurous time of your life.  There are many experiences that await you, so here are some lessons to learn very quickly so you can make the most of this incredible time.


Respect Yourself

Drop all that teenage insecurity at the door! Now is the time to shine in your own skin.  You should know that you are a truly unique human being – there isn’t another like you and we all like it that way.  Being yourself and being proud of it is the most courageous thing you can do.  Learn to value yourself and your worth, you do not need to be in or stay in that toxic, unfulfilling, or unappreciative relationship – with yourself or anyone else.


“They aren’t my type”

In the dating world, it’s going to save you a lot of heartache if you learn that your type isn’t a thing.  Go date the gorgeous model worthy partner for some fun, but if you find time and time again “your type” will only trample on your heart, give that person a chance who you would normally say no to. You never know what will happen.  In your twenties you should learn that what is worth more than pretty, handsome, or sexy is grateful, courteous, and respectful.


Try and Fail

You are nothing without a dream and ambition.  Your twenties are made for exploration, growth, and yes, failure.  It’s a normal part of life and if you can learn to roll with the punches and dance in the rain early on, the rest of your life will be easier for it.  Try a million things! Some will stick, some will fall to the wayside, but now is the time to really figure out what makes you tick.


Healthy Happy You

Start taking care of your health now.  Get your doctors and medical health professionals lined up so you have a good army to help with whatever comes your way.  Ask your parents questions about their health and your families’ health history.  Women’s health is of upmost importance for young women, so take an active interest in your body and how it works.  Make sure you wash your face and all your makeup off every night.  Floss, moisturize, apply sunscreen.  All those little annoying things you hate doing, you’ll be thanking your younger self later for taking the time now.


Make New Friends, but Keep the Old

Make good friends and throw out the bad.  You need to find your core support system, the ones who you can laugh, cry and vent to.  Surround yourself with your tribe, and distance yourself from any friendships that are “frenemy”, destructive, or otherwise unhealthy for you.  You don’t have time for that.  You can still be acquaintances with them without allowing them into your life to cause damage.


Your twenties can be the most exciting time of your life.  Set yourself up for success for more adventuring and exploring and less headaches and heartbreaks by learning the value in these simple lessons.