Crappy days are probably the worst – aside from whatever caused the bad day in the first place, they keep the carnage level high as they transfix us into funks that are seemingly impossible to break free from.  Everything just snowballs from there down a mountain with no base.  Escape from the crappy avalanche by trying some of these to help.  Your big fluffy rescue Saint Bernard will be licking your face into happiness before you know it.

bad day

What’s really going on?

Identify what the problem is.  You know, the REAL problem.  Not the little minutia that got in the way and grabbed on to the root of the problem for a ride.  Talk to someone about it, explaining calmly and rationally how you got here.  Ask them if it’s okay to talk it out hoping it will help you get out of the funk.  You’ll discover what’s really bothering you and figuring that out will begin the healing process.  We all get pilled on and push stuff way down without even noticing until we are like the Hulk, busting through the rubble without a care of who is in the way.


Going into Battle

If you know you have a rough day ahead, challenge yourself from the start to make the outcome different.  Oh, the situation may be crappy with a full-on blizzard coming your way, but you won’t let it get to you.  You are stronger than that.  Accept and pledge that you will try the very best, give it all you can, but sometimes the world has other plans and that’s okay.  Trying is all that matters and it’s really the one thing you actually can control in a situation.  So, go easy on yourself and know you are trying your best and that’s enough.


Keep Morale High

Do something for yourself that will make you happy – even if it’s just going to get your through the day, or next hour.  Grab a quick pick-me-up coffee or cheat on your diet with a yummy muffin or snack.  Be kind to yourself; beating up on yourself will not help the crappy situation get better.  It’s about keeping morale high so you can take on whatever you are going through.


Wake Up on the Right Side of the Bed

Try to start your day on the right foot by doing what is in your control.  Make your bed, get a good shower in, and pick out something to wear that makes you feel confident.  Put on your war paint and take on the world by storm.


When All Else Fails, Cry

Have a good cry.  Seriously, it works.  Feeling like you are pushed to the edge and can’t take anyone?  Cry it out – crying releases built up tension and cleanses your emotions.  Find a quiet place, or heck, don’t find a quiet place, just get your feelings out and experience them.  They are yours and they are real.


There’s no magical potion to stop or fix a bad day – sometime the best we can hope for is taking control back in a world that is constantly trying to take it away.  Start inward and you’ll be fighting off any storm that comes your way with acknowledgement and new understanding.