The beginning of a new year brings self-reflection and goal setting – whether we buy into the whole resolutions thing or not.  We cannot help but want to be a better, stronger, and healthier version of our last upgrade.  While these are not terrible aspirations, sometimes our goals become too demanding and we end up punishing ourselves rather than celebrating the small steps in self-growth.  Here are a few ways to take the pressure off and enjoy the journey instead of struggling to the destination.


Healthy Eating

Instead of trying out the latest fad diet or complete overhaul of your eating habits, make small obtainable changes.  People rarely stick to any form of extreme dieting.  Think of something that you want to do – is it incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your meals?  Is it cutting down on eating out and making more meals at home?  Don’t go crazy and throw out everything in your kitchen.  Make some mindful decisions that will go a long way – eat an apple a day or make salad a part of your lunch a couple times a week.  Stop stressing and criticizing yourself for eating something that has an ounce of fat or sugar in it.



Another big resolution is exercise.  Exercise is great for so many reasons other than the obvious ones.  Endorphins make you happy, exercise helps your overall body work more efficiently, and you feel great accomplishment after moving around.  All of these are reasons to celebrate exercise rather than dread it.  Shift your focus to all the positive feelings about working out rather than using it as a torture device.  Make your goal to feel better about yourself rather than looking to lose weight.

Working Out


Relationship with people are what make the world go round.  As humans we need human connection and interaction.  Think about the types of relationships you put your daily efforts into.  Not all relationships are healthy or beneficial to us.  Focus on surrounding yourself with positive people who bring happiness to you.  Instead of swearing off anyone else who doesn’t check those boxes (family members, toxic friends and co-workers) think about how you can be cordial and show support, but not invest yourself into their dramas.  Don’t let these people take away from your own self-care journey.


Your Self

People sometimes make big goals for self-growth and fulfillment which can lead to easy disappointment.  We are, after all, humans with setbacks in a game where life is constantly throwing us curveballs.  Make small adjustments to your schedule that will impact yourself being in a big way.  Get enough sleep and take some time to meditate or do some deep breathing throughout the day to re-center.  Focusing your efforts on self-care will yield changes in your day to day life without making much of an effort.


Going into a new year doesn’t have to be a big undertaking.  Commit to small, obtainable practices that will have you feeling better and changed in no time.