Have you ever noticed that many people like to garden? There are many benefits to gardening when it comes to mental health. Here’s a good list of the wonders gardening can do for you and your overall wellness.

Sense of Responsibility

Having to take care of another living thing gives us a sense of responsibility. If we don’t take care of a plant’s needs, then it may die. It gives a sense of purpose and appreciation. This can be helpful for people who have depression because it gives them something to take care of and to look forward to.

Connect with Nature


With all the technology and consistency of social media we often become absorbed in a distorted reality. We tend to focus on ourselves more often. Studies show that spending time in a green space can lessen feelings of self-absorption. Taking the time to get outside can help you to feel calmer and more connected with the world around you.

Plants Don’t Judge


Anxiety, paranoia, and depression can cause social gatherings to be intimidating. Spending time in a garden can help build confidence and self-esteem. Plants cannot pass judgement. Instead of worrying about yourself, you’d be taking care and building up another living thing.



The amount of calories burnt in an hour at the gym can be compared to a three or four hour session of gardening. Not only does it burn the calories, it also releases endorphins which is known as the happy hormone. On the opposite side, the hormone of cortisol (the stress hormone) is lowered. We know the benefits of regular exercise can improve mental health and overall wellness. Gardening is linked with the same benefits: mental health, better sleep, encouraging weight loss, and growing self-esteem.

It’s Therapeutic


The stresses of everyday life can be a huge contributor to our depression and anxieties. When focusing on a separate task, a physical task even, such as gardening, we can leave all those worries behind. It gives us a break from our troubles, and we can feel renewed inside.

Live in the Moment


Did you know that feelings such as anxiety worsen with dwelling on the past or stressing about the future? Gardening can help us focus on the present. We have to rely on the seasons and the constant changing cycle of weather to take care of a garden. This helps us focus on the now rather than worrying about the past or the future.



There are many requirements of gardening that include acts of destruction: chopping, digging, pulling, hacking. What a great way to let off some steam. Release that aggression and see the rewards afterwards. Without that destructive side of gardening, a garden cannot thrive.

The list goes on. Gardening would be an excellent hobby to begin. Here are a few websites that explain these benefits in further detail and even list quite a few more: Capital Gardens and Psychology Today.