A healthy lifestyle should include a fitness routine and it includes anything from walking to weightlifting. Moving your body helps you to be stronger, both physically and mentally! Aim to move a few times a week and watch your body and mind change in a positive way.
Recipes To Add to Your Clean-Eating Cookbook
Eating clean is difficult when you do not have the right recipes. Knowing where to get started and having recipes to fall back on will help keep you on track. Those new to it will have to adapt their favorite recipes or start from scratch. There is so much to [...]
Staying Healthy to Avoid Omicron
Omicron is one of the most contagious variants yet. Use these tips to stay healthy. Take Care of your Mental Health Poor mental health is linked to poor physical health. If you’re looking to stay as healthy as possible to avoid getting the latest Covid variant, it’s important to talk [...]
6 Ways to Make Self Care More Intentional
Schedule Self Care If you have trouble setting aside time for yourself, schedule it. Physically write it into your calendar and make sure you follow through. It’s easy to put yourself last when there are a million other things that need doing. However, when you’re running on fumes, you’re not [...]
All About Prenatal Vitamins
Whether you are trying to conceive or just found out you are pregnant, prenatal vitamins are a must. Not only are they vital for the healthy development of your baby but also extremely beneficial for your health while carrying your little miracle. It can be so overwhelming to choose a [...]
How to Combat Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance (also known as pre-diabetes) is a problem that’s becoming more common each year. Here are some tips on how to both identify and prevent it. What is it? If you’re unfamiliar with insulin resistance, an article written by Adam Felman for medicalnewstoday.com explains, “Insulin, a hormone that the [...]
7 Reasons to Go Vegan
The rising popularity of a vegan diet is sweeping the nation. Many people are turning away from their meat and animal product upbringings in favor of this plant based way of eating. If you aren’t convinced of the benefits, here are 7 reasons to go vegan. Delicious Food Nearly every [...]
Taking Care of Your Pelvic Floor
Taking care of your pelvic floor is one of the best things you can do for you body. While women generally have more issues in this particular area, men also struggle with these issues. Making your pelvic floor health a priority can help you avoid a slew of problems later [...]
Stress-free Ways to be Healthier
Committing to a whole healthy lifestyle makeover can seem daunting for a lot of people. The agony with overhauling your entire kitchen, sleep schedule, and life seems almost impossible. If you are someone that struggles with making huge changes all at once, here are a few easy, stress-free ways to [...]
Social Media Outlets: The Most and Least Toxic
Social media, whether we like it or not, is a part of our day-to-day lives. It permeates everything from where we get entertainment to our news and everything in between, it’s a part of our lives and it’s here to stay. There are however different social media outlets that are [...]