After we’ve been in a relationship for a while, humans tend to let complacency take over, which can lead to boredom, or what I like to call “the stale.” Staying in a coupledom long term takes work, because people are always growing and changing. It’s important that the relationship keeps up so everyone can grow together. If you notice you’re drifting toward the stale, there are things you can do to avoid it.

Don’t be afraid to air your grievances. If your partner continuously buys the wrong trash bags or refuses to pick up their dirty towels from the bathroom floor, go ahead and let them know it’s infuriating you. The Guardian says “couples who argue effectively are 10 times more likely to have a happy relationship than those who sweep difficult issues under the carpet.” This doesn’t mean having knock down, drag out physical altercations. Carly Breit at states “clinical psychologist Deborah Grody says, married couples who don’t have any conflict are often the ones who end in divorce,” but she also warns, “frequent heated and hurtful conflict is certainly not healthy or sustainable, either.” So, have it out, but keep it civil.

Do things together, other than watching television. You’re not engaging one another or getting acquainted with your partner as they grow if all you do together is sit in front of a screen. This can seem particularly difficult for a pair of homebodies, but there is a whole world of stuff you can do at home. You can start a new DIY project, enjoy a new hobby you both like, or play card games a couple of nights a week. Panda Gossips has compiled a list of 80 hobbies that couples can learn together.

Go on dates. This is as important as it was in the beginning. Every couple needs a little time away from the stress of their lives, where they can enjoy one another. Leah Bourne at StyleCaster came up with a list of 50 date ideas that sound like a blast. Many of the ideas are budget friendly, like hunting for photobooths or going to a free outdoor concert. Some are traditional like planning a picnic, and some are more unique like eating a dessert only dinner or dressing up and meeting at a fancy bar. If you’re idea of a good time is sticking close to home, you can still have a date night with your significant other. Mail order subscription services are now catering to couples who like to spend time at home. My Subscription Addiction has complied a list of date box services and their pricing. Every month you’ll get a box with enough stuff to have a date at home with your boo. Some of them include a game and the makings of asnack, others are a little racier. Many of these have the subscriber fill out a questionnaire so the box can be customized to the couple’s tastes.

If you’ve been paired off for a while, don’t let the stale take over. You love your significant other, it’s why you’re together! Keep the bonding moments going.