It doesn’t have to be December 31st for you to set healthy goals for yourself. Even though New Year’s resolutions only come once a year, it’s always the right time to try to commit yourself to self-improvement and find ways to commit to your health and wellness. I’ve included some example goals and tips that you may want to try!

Morning Routine

One of the best ways to adopt a new habit is to integrate it into your established routine. Think about what an ideal morning looks like. While we may not always have control of how the morning pans out, we can always set goals and try to follow a similar routine that incorporates our morning priorities. To begin, try to stick to the same wake up time every day without hitting the snooze button multiple times. This may be the best way to start your morning. It’s a commitment to seizing the day and taking ownership of your morning. In fact, the morning may be the best time to incorporate a healthy goal since you’re able to complete it as the first thing in the day. For example, if you’re trying to exercise more, a morning workout before everyone else in the house wakes up and before other responsibilities trickle in can help you accomplish this. The morning may be the best way to start you off on the right foot towards wellness for the rest of the day.


Regardless of our current weight status, many of us can benefit from focusing on nourishment instead of dieting. Focusing on nourishment allows us to think more about what helps our body in the long run rather than trying to follow a random diet. Nourishment can help us appreciate and give back to our body rather than take away or eliminate various foods. A nourishing salad filled with health fats, grains, and vegetables is usually better than an iceberg lettuce salad with no dressing. You may find that nourishing meals usually keep you fuller longer and taste better too!  


With technology and social media, it can be easy to stay in the comfort of our own homes. However, it’s important for individuals across all ages to connect with others and build relationships. A person’s social network can contribute to what they eat, what they do in their free time, and their knowledge about the world. This means that it’s essential to engage with others who support your goals and interests and also help you grow. Engaging with your community can be volunteering at an animal shelter, going to church, participating in a social justice rally, joining a book club, and even just a game of frisbee golf with neighbors.



Many of us have been given the ability to move our bodies without significant pain or difficulty. Instead of always opting for an evening on the couch, try to incorporate exercise or even a walk around the block. Even if it’s not a high intensity workout, moving our bodies has many physical and mental health benefits. If you’re not able to get an hour workout in, try to move around the office or your home a little more. The little steps make a difference!

Continuous Learning

Although you may not be attending classes in school, we all have the opportunity to learn something new. Challenging our brains and working out the mental side of ourselves can help us stay sharp and fresh. Incorporating continuous learning into your life can be very simple. You can try to read a new book, interact with someone new, or even take a class at the recreation center.


Evening Routine

An evening routine can be just as important to maintaining a healthy life as a morning routine. The evening is an opportunity to self-reflect on the day and practice gratitude. A warm bath, meditation session, or reading a book are great ways to unwind and prepare yourself for a good night’s sleep.

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