“Healthy living” to most people means both physical and mental health are in balance and functioning well together. In many instances, physical and mental health are related, so a change in one directly impacts the other. We have some tips that will include suggestions for emotional and mental “healthy living.” Healthy living is one of the most challenging yet rewarding behaviors anyone can take towards living a more satisfying life.


Practice Compassion, Specifically SELF Compassion

The most important step towards healthy living is developing compassion toward yourself. With self-compassion comes better treatment of yourself, mentally and physically. Self-compassion is sending yourself positive and loving messages throughout the day to counteract the negative self-talk you may have. When we decide to make changes in our lives, we are often fueled by negative self-talk, such as, “I’m lazy because I don’t exercise.” Your voice of compassion sounds more like, “I deserve to feel better, so I will exercise.” Once you shift this mindset, you’ll notice a significant change in the way you see the world and yourself.

Healthy Food

Lean Toward Better Choices

Do you ever wonder why you’re so tired when you are sick? Hydration and sleep are powerful tools that the body uses to heal. When we make good sleep a priority and develop a good sleep routine, our body will naturally become healthy and more immune to negative triggers throughout the day. Hydration is probably the easiest and most impactful change you can make for your body. Just like plants, our body requires water. Without water, we simply would not be here. Water helps flush our bodies of waste throughout the day and helps carry nutrients and oxygen throughout our systems.


There’s a reason some doctors recommend exercise. Exercise releases dopamine into your system, creating a ‘good feeling’ effect. Start slowly by walking instead of driving or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. You may also find you enjoy joining a recreational sport instead of a gym to make exercise more fun.


Give yourself time and space to incorporate these small steps. Even incorporating just one or two of the suggested changes may be enough to get you in the right direction. It can also help to pair these choices with existing habits. Everyone’s healthy journey may look different from each other, so keep trying different methods and see which ones work best for you.

Woman after workout

Remember Things & People You Are Grateful For

Practicing gratitude isn’t something that should be reserved for once a year at Thanksgiving. Research shows that those who practice daily gratitude enjoy a multitude of benefits that range from better sleep to a stronger immune system. You can practice daily gratitude in several ways. Commit to thinking of three things you’re grateful for every night before you go to bed or keep a journal of the things you are grateful for day to day. By being more diligent about practicing gratitude, you’ll be able to appreciate and recognize the blessings in your life to help you focus on the positive.