With weather temperatures dropping, it’s time for the magical season of fall.  This means it’s a great time to think about your self-care plans and goals as the season changes, breathing life into new habits and activities.   Take some time to find new ways to pamper and care for yourself with a fall twist using a couple of these ideas.

Love Yourself

Outdoor Mediation

Summer is our go-to outdoor activity season, but fall really connects you with the earth and your surroundings.  Take your mediation outside and allow the elements to ground and center you.  Feeling the wind blow around you as you sit in crisp leaves will take your mediation to a new level.  The fall air filled with its good smells and energy will definitely shake things up.


Tea for One or Many

Cozy up as the cooler temperatures roll in with some fall themed teas.  A nice Chai Tea sounds amazing while snuggled under a blanket for a nighttime reading session.  Also, nothing beats a warm apple cider to soothe and calm the senses.  Spend some time taking in the yumminess of fall to pamper your taste buds.


Lotions and Potions

Smell is a great way to practice self-care.  A smell can bring up all kinds of memories and feelings.  Use your sense of smell and touch and give it a fall twist.  For pumpkin spice lovers, there are pumpkin scented lotions and creams that you can use to moisturize your skin, but also give your nose a trip.  The same with cinnamon or apple smells.  Find your favorite fall scents and stock up on products that will help you in your self-care goals.  And don’t forget about candles – there are endless amounts of scented candles that will take you on a trip to the apple orchard without even leaving your home.

Take care of yourself

Apple Picking

Speaking of orchards, apple picking is the perfect fall activity that is also great for self-care.  Getting outside for a nice walk, combined with picking fruit that you can eat or use in your kitchen later is packed with health benefits.  Take a good friend apple picking with you and you can catch up on each other’s lives and offer advice while grabbing a healthy yummy snack in the process.  Staying away from the cider donuts at the orchard is its own struggle, but sometimes eating something that makes your taste buds sing is its own form of self-care.  Sometimes you need to pick your battles.


Taking your self-care style and applying a fall twist will keep it fresh and energetic.  It’s important to practice self-care and fall is a great time after all the hustle and bustle of summer to get back into good habits.  Putting yourself and your well-being first will allow you to help others in your life with greater ease and less burnout.  Try these or think of a few fall activities that bring out the best in you and your health.