A healthy lifestyle should include a fitness routine and it includes anything from walking to weightlifting. Moving your body helps you to be stronger, both physically and mentally! Aim to move a few times a week and watch your body and mind change in a positive way.
The Benefits of the Early Morning Yogi
Are you a yogi? If not, let’s introduce you to all the benefits you may be missing out on. We are going to be diving into what it really means to put your body first and why yoga is a great way of doing so. Yoga is not just another [...]
4 Common Vitamin/Nutrient Deficiencies
If you’re feeling a little ‘off’ this winter season, talk to your doctor about testing your vitamin/nutrient levels. Here are four common deficiencies you should look out for. Magnesium Deficiency Almost everyone you know has a magnesium deficiency. In fact, studies show that 70% of people under the age [...]
Ease your Anxiety with these Tips
A vast majority of the population struggles with anxiety. If you happen to be one of those people, here are a few tips that can ease these feelings. Managing your emotions can help you gain control of your own life again. Give them a try! Daily Exercise It’s no secret [...]
Start Your Home Gym Off Simple
Working out is something we all dabble with here and there. Some find a love for it, and others know they need it to stay healthy. Whichever side you are on, you have to make a choice to be a gym goer or a workout-at-home person. Even those that love [...]
Sweat This Summer with Your Family
Summer is a season that comes with a lot of extra time. Use some of that time productively to sweat and get in better shape. And the best way to do that is with your family. This can be the family you are born into or the family that you [...]
Regulating Menopause Symptoms with Exercise
Menopause is not something we look forward to, but all have to go through eventually as women. Taking care of your body becomes increasingly more important as we age and during menopause, it can feel like an uphill battle. There are many side effects that we can’t help or control, [...]
We Need Our Summer Bodies Now
We are all noticing the temperature change. That means that summer is going to be here any minute. The rush to be physically ready for summer has already begun. While every body is a summer body, we want to look and feel our best. You can put many ideas into [...]
Stress Keeps the Pounds from Falling Off
The belief that if we eat right and work out hard enough, everything will fall into place is not always reality. There is so much more to losing weight than what we are doing on the outside. We also need to work on staying mentally healthy. Stress may seem less [...]
Hike In Safety
The weather is warming, and everything is starting to spring up. It's time that we get out there and start moving as well. Find some local places where you can enjoy an afternoon of hiking. Get out in nature and enjoy the weather and fresh air. Before you head out, [...]