No one could have anticipated the arrival of Covid-19 and the devastation it has caused. While the world waits for research to be done and a vaccine to be created, you can be proactive with your health. Take the following precautions daily to help you stay healthy all year round.



Did you know your body runs low on zinc when you’re stressed out? That could potentially mean you’re low and zinc all the time. Not to mention the average American diet doesn’t typically include foods that are high in zinc. Why is it important? This mineral is responsible for aiding in wound healing, supporting your immune system, and helps your body turn your food into energy.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also known as the most effective nutrient. Not only can it help support your immune system, it can also help prevent cardiovascular and eye disease. It has also been linked to improving cancer and stroke symptoms. Studies show that adults rarely consume the recommended nine servings of fruits on a consistent, daily basis. An over the counter pill (around 500 mg) is an easy solution to this deficiency.

Woman taking Vitamin


People tend to assume we can get all of the vitamins and minerals we need from the food we eat. However, poor diet choices or lack of options for some can lead to deficits. An article written by Gabrielle Kassel for states, “For starters, a daily multivitamin can help provide a good foundation for your health. It can also protect you when you’re experiencing stress, sleeping poorly, or not getting regular exercise. Even with a “perfect” diet, these issues can make it tough for your body to properly absorb the nutrients, explains nutritionist Dawn Lerman, MA, CHHC, LCAT, AADP.” Make sure you find a multivitamin with iron as that is another essential mineral your body needs. It will improve your energy levels and brain function.


Vitamin D

In her article, Kassel goes on to say, “Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb calcium, which is important for bone health. Not getting enough of this vitamin can increase your likelihood of getting sick, your chances of bone and back pain and bone and hair loss. While you technically should be able to get your daily vitamin D by being in the sunlight for 15 minutes, the reality is that over 40 percent of people in the United States don’t.” Location and vocation are both factors that can contribute to our lack of Vitamin D. For example, overcast, rainy locations and 9-5 office jobs may prohibit a person from getting the appropriate level of sunlight.


You should not rely on getting all your essential vitamins and minerals in pill form. They are a great way to fill in gaps when needed, but it’s important that your primary source be the food you eat. Take time to research what your needs may be, and find quality vitamin supplements that will help keep you healthy all year round.